Sprint 2 Final
Code Features:
- Speed Boost Power-Up System with Visual Trail: Implements a temporary speed boost with visual trail effect when collecting pickups.
- Timer System with Time Bonuses: Adds a countdown timer that decreases over time and extends when collecting pickups.
- Death and Respawn Mechanics: Handles player death with animation states and respawn functionality.
- Fall Detection System: Automatically respawns player when falling below a threshold.
- Animator Setup: Implements smooth movement with normalized velocity and character rotation. Three animation states: IsMoving (bool), Die (trigger), Victory (trigger).
Editor Features:
These can be changed in the inspector.
- Power-Up Configuration:
- Speed Boost Multiplier
- Speed Boost Duration
- Trail Color
- Trail Width
- Respawn System Configuration:
- Respawn Point
- Fall Threshold
- Respawn Delay
- Movement Settings:
- Movement Speed
- Rotation Speed
- UI References
- Count Text
- Win Text Object
- Timer Text
- Animator Setup and Controller:
- Added parameters (IsMoving, Die, Victory) to the Animator component
- Created transitions between animation states
- Set up the default animation state
- Changed from default animator to TinyHeroController
- Set up animation states for Idle, Run, Death, and Victory